Melissa and Weston (11 and 9 years old) organized their 2nd Polar Bear Walk and Bake Sale at their elementary school in southern Calgary. Melissa put a short Power Point presentation together for the children of the school to understand how climate change has impacted the polar bears’ life and habitat and Weston presented it to the entire school. Then, with a large banner in hand, “Save The Polar Bears”, the children lapped their schoolyard several times in the snow and (thankfully) sunshine. This was followed by a bake sale for which a local company, Crave Cupcakes, generously donated 125 cupcakes. Many parents also donated homemade baked goods. The event with donations and bake sale proceeds raised a total of $850. None of this would have been possible without the understanding and cooperation of the teachers and principal at their school. Thank you all for such a wonderful experience!